User-Defined Types


In order to create a UDT in U-SQL there are two thing that have to be created:

  • The UDT type itself
  • A formatter that can conver the UDT into a string and can transform a string into an instance of the UDT


We will define a UDT - and its corresponding formatter - for a "Bits" UDT. This UDFT is a simple bitarray with a textual representation that looks like "1100101010".

UDT and formatter skeletons

First let's look at the fundamental structure of the Bits type.

public struct Bits

Notice that the only thing the Bits UDT requires is that it identifies its corresponding formatter.

And here is the skeleton of its corresponding formatter.

public class BitFormatter : Microsoft.Analytics.Interfaces.IFormatter<Bits>
    public BitFormatter()
    { ... }

    public void Serialize(
        Bits instance,
        IColumnWriter writer,
        ISerializationContext context)
    { ... }

    public Bits Deserialize(
         IColumnReader reader,
         ISerializationContext context)
    { ... }

Full code for the UDT

namespace MyUDTExamples
    public struct Bits
        System.Collections.BitArray bitarray;

        public Bits(string s)
            this.bitarray = new System.Collections.BitArray(s.Length);
            for (int i = 0; i<s.Length; i++)
                this.bitarray[i] = (s[s.Length-i-1] == '1' ? true : false);

        public int ToInteger()
            int value = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < this.bitarray.Length; i++)
                { if (bitarray[i]) { value += (int)System.Math.Pow(2, i); } }
            return value;

        public override string ToString()
            var sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(this.bitarray.Length);
            for (int i = 0; i < this.bitarray.Length; i++)
            { sb.Append(this.bitarray[i] ? "1" : "0"); }
            return sb.ToString();


Full code for the UDT's formatter

namespace MyUDTExamples

    public class BitFormatter : Microsoft.Analytics.Interfaces.IFormatter<Bits>
        public BitFormatter()

        public void Serialize(
            Bits instance,
            IColumnWriter writer,
            ISerializationContext context)
            using (var w = new System.IO.StreamWriter(writer.BaseStream))
                var bitstring = instance.ToString();

        public Bits Deserialize(
            IColumnReader reader,
            ISerializationContext context)
            using (var w = new System.IO.StreamReader(reader.BaseStream))
                string bitstring = w.ReadToEnd();
                var bits = new Bits(bitstring);
                return bits;


Using the UDT

@products  = 
            ("Apple", "0000"),
            ("Cherry", "0001"),
            ("Banana", "1001"),
            ("Orange", "0110")
        ) AS 
              D( bitstring );

@products = 
       new MyUDTExamples.Bits(BitString) AS Bits
    FROM @products;

results matching ""

    No results matching ""