Filtering Aggregated Rows

We’ll start again with a simple GROUP BY

@output =
    SUM(Duration) AS TotalDuration
  FROM @searchlog
  GROUP BY Region;
Region TotalDuration
en_ca 24
en_ch 10
en_fr 241
en_gb 688
en_gr 305
en_mx 422
en_us 8291

Filtering with WHERE

You might try WHERE here.

@output =
    SUM(Duration) AS TotalDuration  
  FROM @searchlog  
  WHERE TotalDuration > 200  
  GROUP BY Region;

Which will cause an error. Because WHERE can only work on the input columns to the statement, not the output columns

We could use multiple U-SQL Statements to accomplish this

@output =  
    SUM(Duration) AS TotalDuration  
  FROM @searchlog  
  GROUP BY Region;  

@output =  
  SELECT *  
  FROM @output  
  WHERE TotalDuration > 200;

Filtering with HAVING

Alternatively , we can use the HAVING clause which is designed to filter columns when a GROUP BY is used..

@output =  
    SUM(Duration) AS TotalDuration  
  FROM @searchlog  
  GROUP BY Region  
  HAVING SUM(Duration) > 200;

You may have noticed that SUM(Duration) was repeated in the HAVING clause. That’s because HAVING (like WHERE) cannot use columns created in the SELECT clause.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""