These two functions calculates a percentile based on a continuous or discrete distribution of the column values.

  • PERCENTILE_CONT calculates a percentile based on a continuous distribution. It will interpolate values.

  • PERCENTILE_DISC calculates the percentile based on a discrete distribution. It will always return one of the input values and will not interpolate a value.


    WITHIN GROUP ( ORDER BY <identifier> [ASC | DESC] )
    OVER ( [PARTITION BY <identifier,>…[n] ] ) AS <alias>
  • numeric_literal - The percentile to compute. range = [0.0, 1.0].

  • WITHIN GROUP ( ORDER BY <identifier> [ASC | DESC]) - Within each partition, compute the percentile on identifier. The default sort order is ascending.

  • OVER ( [PARTITION BY <identifierm,...> [n] ] ) - Defines the partitions.

Note: Any nulls in the data set are ignored.


You can see how PERCENTILE_CONT and PERCENTILE_DISC differ in the example below which tries to find the median (percentile=0.50) value for Latency within each Vertical

@result =
            WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY Latency)
            OVER ( PARTITION BY Vertical ) AS PercentileCont50,
            WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY Latency)
            OVER ( PARTITION BY Vertical ) AS PercentileDisc50
    FROM @querylog;

The results:

Query Latency Vertical PercentileCont50 PercentilDisc50
Banana 300 Image 300 300
Cherry 300 Image 300 300
Durian 500 Image 300 300
Apple 100 Web 250 200
Fig 200 Web 250 200
Papaya 200 Web 250 200
Fig 300 Web 250 200
Cherry 400 Web 250 200
Durian 500 Web 250 200

Look at the median for the Web vertical.

  • PERCENTILE_CONT gives the median as 250 even though no query in the web vertical had a latency of 250.
  • PERCENTILE_DISC gives median for Web as 200, which is an actual value found in the input rows.

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